2024 Upcoming Events

August 1, 2024

GARDEN FORUM for Members Only

Our garden forum will be located at a member’s home to allow us to enjoy their garden and learn about their plants. Two of our newest members will teach us about worm farms and how to start our own. Worm farming is an easy way to dispose of unwanted food waste and get a liquid fertilizer as well. 

September 5, 2024


Learn how to select, plant, and care for roses.  Presented by Jackie Kosbab who has been the Senior Horticulturist at Cantigny for 14 years. Jackie is responsible for designing and maintaining many areas of the gardens. She has been the Rose Garden Curator for the last 4 years and will teach us how roses can be a thriving and wonderful addition to our gardens

October 3, 2024


Learn the art of Bonsai using standard trees. Presented by Nick Cargola of Elk Grove Village who has quite a number of bonsai trees that he has created.

November 7, 2024

Topic: TBD

Member’s Only December 12, 2024

Holiday Party